Want to intern but not sure which Puentes program is right for you? Check out these facts about remote internships and in-person internships to help you decide.


IN-PERSON internships

  • Walk, bike, bus, subway, or carpool with others to your internship company’s office. We ensure your internship site is within 30 minutes of transit time from your Puentes housing.

  • Get to know your colleagues on a deeper level, by participating in team meetings, by sharing a coffee or mate in the break room, by carpooling to the office, or by heading to an “after-work,” well, after… work.

  • Communicate with your colleagues face-to-face at their desks or in meetings, while also using technological platforms like email, phone, and the like.

  • Work on a more typical 9am to 5pm schedule, with lunch breaks of course!

 REMOTE Internships

  • Save travel time and associated costs as you work from your preferred location.

  • Remote internships allow people who are less natural at interpersonal communication to build up their confidence. You can collect your thoughts and articulate yourself better on an online platform.

  • Communicate with colleagues via a wide range of channels, including email, Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, phone, project management tools, and instant messaging.

  • Do your work when you want. You can choose the times you tackle certain project work, granted it aligns with your scheduled meetings or calls with your coworkers!


both puentes remote and in person internships

  • Be part of a team with mentors who care. You’ll develop your professional skills by asking questions whenever they come up, and receiving support from all involved.

  • Have constant communication with your colleagues. You’ll learn how best to interact with others through developing a rapport, and you’ll grow your network both professionally and personally.

  • Tackle project-based work. You’ll get to know the in’s and out’s of the company or organization for which you intern, you’ll be trusted with handling meaningful work that matters, and you’ll get a taste for what the working world is really like.

  • Receive support from Puentes staff 24/7. We are here for you every step of the way, to ensure you have the most productive, meaningful, and rewarding internship experience yet.
