
Online Newspaper

This English-language news outlet has existed for over one hundred years and is known for covering the enforced disappearances perpetrated by Argentina’s last dictatorship. Aimed at an audience of English speakers who are in Argentina or hold an interest in the country, it covers Argentina and Latin America, with a particular focus on finance and economics, tourism and lifestyle, and human rights. The intern could work in communications, journalism, research or social media.

Daily Community Newsletter Startup

This startup is the only daily email newsletter that curates and creatively repackages substantial news about Venezuela. With catchy subject lines and witty references, the newsletter covers topics from politics and economics to pop culture. The startup seeks to create a community that uses journalism and creativity to understand what is happening in Venezuela, to share frustrations, to promote intelligent conversation, and to seek collaborative solutions. The intern could work in Graphic & Web Design and/or Business Development.
