Submit or Update Your Company Profile

Please provide us with information about your company or organization, your internship project work, and your ideal intern.  Keep in mind:

  • The more detail that you can provide the better. While we understand that possible intern roles and projects can change, depending on timing and on intern skills, it is very helpful to have as much information as possible about the type of project work that would be available for interns and the preferred candidate profile.

  • This is your chance to pitch your internship opportunity to candidates. We will use your responses to this form to create a profile for your company or organization that we will share with applicants. Thus, this is your chance to sell possible interns on why they should want to intern with you. Candidates will be reviewing other highly compelling internship profiles as well, so try to make yours as attractive, realistic, and descriptive as possible so that it stands out.

  • Complete your responses in English if possible. The internship site profiles that we share with the applicants are crafted in English, so please respond to this form in English if you have fluency in the written language. If this is not possible, simply respond in Spanish, and we will translate your profile.

Tip: review our guidelines on Intern Project Design for inspiration!
